Friday, September 19, 2014


2014-09-19. This is a public diary.

I love Emily Cook. A lot. She's the second person that I've really wanted all of, for whom I also theel that I know what all of is, to a significant degree.

And still, we are so different that any union is sure to be rife with compromises. Big important compromises: children, career, friendships, hobbies, etc. So why is it that one still wants something so fundamentally problematic. Is it timing, luck, fate or fortune? Is it biology, physiology or psychology? Is it romance, magic or something else?

I think for me it's balance. Being able to respect and identify with another competent, rational, intelligent human being and share our observations, thoughts and interpretations having them be different, even mutually exclusive, and yet still valid to each individual separately. Having the divergence be so close to the core, the most desirable, passionate relationships are inherently the most problematic. Hopefully I'm just too young and have yet to discover true love, something similar yet simpler.

1 comment:

  1. I just published this, as it was written two years ago without edit. I'm thankful to say that I safely and successfully passed through a long period of what, in retrospect, I would call infatuation and obsession. “Falling in love is a crazy thing to do. It’s like a socially acceptable form of insanity.” -Amy, ‘Her’

    As balance is a very important concept to me, I felt somewhat ashamed reading that I once used it as justification for love. Call it hope in retrospect. "Hope. It is the quintessential human [trait], simultaneously the source of [our] greatest strength, and [our] greatest weakness." -The architect, 'The Matrix Reloaded'
