Thursday, January 2, 2014

Notes to Self

I'm making this into a public diary. It is not a blog. It is for me. It's public, perhaps selfishly, for me as well. Because I want to live without secrets, it is for me, my freedom.

The below content was written a few months ago and is unrelated to the above decision.

I received my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering from UW Madison in 2010. Still trying to develop life goals, I worked at Epic in the Technical Services role for 2.8 years where I gained a wonderful respect and appreciation for technology's ability to transform entire sectors of the economy. In order to pursue a greater understanding of software and business, I left Epic and started work at, a Madison startup creating an internet ordering platform for independent local restaurants and small chains. Currently, I do freelance work for another pre-market venture aimed at helping accounting practices go paper-free, while also continuing to learn and work at EatStreet.

Passion for understanding others' ideas, community, equality and global human development motivates me far more than money, influence, power and at times even more than relationships. At TEDx Madison 2014, I want to learn about and to try to understand other people's motivations, ideas and experiences and how they relate to my own passions and motivations. If requested, I would happily want to put together a talk on observations regarding current trends in the development of global human culture and society (diplomacy/international law, economic and financial trends, language/housing/clothing/food, technology, health, education, etc.; basically an overview of - as a species - where we've come from, where we are, and perhaps touching briefly on some places we might yet go); I would want to present it if I thought it was good enough and if others validated that opinion.