Sunday, November 17, 2013

The sky will fall; let's step aside.

The world is going to end. Seriously, one day a supernova will explode or you'll die of old age or God will come save us all, but one way or another the world is going to end - for me, for you, for everybody. That means we need to leave (gtfo) - and Elon Musk's SpaceX is working on this problem - but that day is probably pretty far away - assuming we don't mess up the planet too badly. So in the mean time - as Elon helps us venture to Mars - let's try to make our Earth as awesome as the awesome awesomeness that is awesomeness: our pale blue dot...

1. Let's get along! Yeah, my god isn't your God (kinda), and maybe you define alot as 27 and I think of a mythical animal from Hyperbole and a Half. But when really we all enjoy sleeping, eating and breathing, it should be easy enough to focus on the basics and then let the rest fall into place.

2. Admit that we have issues. BIG ISSUES!!! Even if we want to keep on our happy little individual life paths, business as usual, STOP. Just stop, because <insert ridiculous news article link> should be enough to make you double take that we live on the same planet as that shit.

3. Stay calm. Yes, that article was a lot to take in, but we can move past that shit together. If we help each other out, take care of ourselves and our home(s), and seek to understand, trust, love and forgive, it'll all be okay in the end.

4. Do something good. Today and every day. Whatever it is, just do it!

When the world ends, do we want to go out with it? Do we want to be standing there, looking back and thinking, "Man, if only we had done that differently?" Or, do we want to go out knowing that we did everything we could to keep ourselves in the game, and it was only the fate of the cruel universe that took us down with it? Godspeed Earthlings, godspeed.